‘Flourishing Family’ Child Health Coaching

£ 460

Flourishing Family Child Health Coaching offers 4 hours of expert guidance over 6 months to support your child’s development and your wellbeing.


Invest in your family’s long-term success with the Flourishing Family Child Health Coaching programme. Over 6 months, you’ll receive 4 hours of personalised consultations focused on your child’s sleep, feeding, and developmental needs, as well as guidance on your post-pregnancy health.

What's Included:

  • 4 hours of personalised consultations spread across 6 months
  • In-depth support on sleep, feeding, and developmental milestones for your child
  • Guidance on healthy post-pregnancy weight loss to help you regain your strength and confidence
  • Ongoing adjustments to your child’s care plan as they grow and their needs evolve
  • Holistic support to create a balanced, thriving family environment

This programme is ideal for families looking for continuous support and guidance to ensure both parent and child achieve long-term wellbeing.


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