Janet Ayerst

I started Tanya’s classes three months ago. Well – all I can say is that I feel great! I’ve never really been an exercise person, but I think I’ve found something that is fun, and I didn’t realise I was progressing so quickly (my body fat percentages have...

Vuyolwethu Mkhencele

I just want to thank you for the advice you’ve been giving me. Meeting you was a blessing because now I feel leaner, stronger and full of energy and never loved living healthy like I do now! My condition is improving and every week I see results. Many people used to...

P Boschoff

I’ve taken your advice about using weights rather than just doing cardio-based exercises and indeed, you were right! I can so see a difference. Thank you for the good advice. Pieter Boshoff – VWSA, Port Elizabeth, South Africa