Leonie Fallstrom


Until I started working with Tanya I’d never stepped foot inside a gym! I was lacking confidence and self-esteem and felt pretty overawed by such a body-conscious environment. My fears were completely allayed by Tanya’s professional, friendly approach. We set sensible, realistic targets that felt very achievable, which of course motivated me hugely. What was particularly notable, was that she gave me no false hopes around how and by when, I could achieve my proposed goals – total honesty and transparency meant I was able to commit with a very clear idea of the outcome.

I started looking forward to my training sessions and although it took a little time to see results (I’d been inactive for many years), when they did happen, they were fantastic and affected me both physically – through weight loss, increased muscle tone, improved posture, general body-shape change and heightened body awareness – and mentally – through increased confidence, self-esteem and well-being. It was as if I’d bought myself a whole new me!

I’m truly grateful to Tanya for helping me achieve all this. She displayed total commitment, was consistent in her approach, offered great warmth and friendliness and above all, is the consummate professional. I’d highly recommend her to anyone looking to improve health and physical wellbeing.

Leonie Fallstrom – London, England

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